
How to Play



At a first glance, Omaha looks a lot like Texas Hold'em. But in Omaha, each player receives four cards - this gives Omaha an interesting complexity.

Cards dealt to each player 4 concealed
Community cards dealt 5
Number of betting rounds 4
Limits Fixed limit
Pot limit
No limit
Blinds or antes Blinds

The Game

In Omaha, you get four hole cards, cards that the other players cannot see. Then, successively during the hand, five cards are dealt face up on the board. They are community cards that all players can use to put together a five card poker hand.

When all cards are out, you must use two of your hole cards and combine them with three community cards in order to form the best possible poker hand.

Split pots

Whenever two or more players have the same five card hand, the pot is split evenly between the players involved. If the pot can not be split perfectly, the odd extra amount will be awarded to the player nearest to the Small Blind position from a clockwise view.